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To put it in a nutshell Mother’s care Women’s Hospital is designed in a way that a woman from her adolescent period till her menopause can approach for her A to Z health problems here. All kind of Gynaec care will be provided from menses to menopause providing individual care for all patients with individualized protocol.

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Normal Vaginal delivery

A natural childbirth process where the baby is delivered through the birth canal without the use of surgical intervention. It is often preferred for its faster recovery time and lower risk of complications compared to a C-section.
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Painless normal Vaginal delivery

A vaginal delivery with pain management techniques, such as epidural anesthesia or other pain relief methods, to minimize discomfort during labor and delivery.
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Caesarean delivery (single and twins delivery )

A surgical procedure where the baby is delivered through an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. It may be planned or performed as an emergency procedure to ensure the safety of both mother and baby.
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Caesarean delivery with sterilization

A C-section that includes a surgical procedure to permanently block or remove the fallopian tubes (tubal sterilization) to prevent future pregnancies. This option is suitable for those who do not wish to have more children after delivery.

We look forward to meeting you and providing you with the personalized care you deserve

we are dedicated to ensuring a safe and healthy pregnancy for you and your baby